
adria marina montaño

Amazing flavors, talent, and challenges volition come together on the new reality cooking show Top Chef VIP, which will premiere on August 9 on Telemundo at four PM, Pacific Standard Time (PST).

The evidence will include 16 celebrities competing for $100,000 dollars and one of the judges volition be local chef Adria Marina.

Born in San Diego and raised in Tijuana, Adria will share screentime with her colleagues Antonio De Livier, a Mexicali native, and Colombian chef Juan Manuel Barrietos.

In an exclusive interview with San Diego Red, Chef Adria spoke nigh how she experienced working with them.

It has been and so much fun because each of them has their ain skills, their own lifestyle, business manner, cooking style, and cravings. Suddenly we may have different opinions, simply that is what makes it a real evidence.

Regarding the different celebrities that will participate, she said:

They will be cooking every day. It is corking because the show has humor, information technology is nearly like a comedy. I was having and then much fun while we were filming. Every bit nosotros film the dishes, they proceed to progress. They learn more techniques and proceeds more than knowledge every bit the challenges continue. Since they are celebrities, they have an extra charm that works for television and the camera.

The participating celebrities will be: Marlene Favela, Mauricio Islas, Gregorio Pernía, Héctor Suárez Gomís, Cherry-red Ortiz, Lambda García, Horacio Pancheri, Ferdinando Valencia, and Rodrigo Vidal; as well as v singers: Jennifer Peña, Graciela Beltrán, Luis Coronel, Aída Cuevas, and Cristina Eustace; Miss Universe Zuleyka Rivera and influencer Chiky Bombom.

Superlative Chef VIP will be hosted past extra Carmen Villalobos.

Drama, tears, laughter, mistakes, and accidents will all occur during these 2-hour long episodes. At this bear witness, celebrities volition learn how to balance dishes, create salsas, make the most out of animal proteins, and create desserts.

When asked about what type of estimate she will exist when judging dishes, Adria Marina confessed:

In real life, I'm actually very demanding and square. I understand that I'm working with people that are not professional cooks, but I always requite them my point of view and something they can larn. Later scolding them or telling them something is wrong, they also need to know why so that they go along learning and don't brand the aforementioned mistake over again. Seeing them falling in love with cooking… I dear that.

During her interview, Chef Adria stated that she is someone who loves assisting and serving others, but specified that working in the kitchen professionally is very dissimilar from cooking for your loved ones since it is more demanding.

At that place are many more things involved, including stress, while at domicile you lot tin can relax. I love pampering and there's no amend, more than natural way to show this love than by cooking.

Every chef has a secret, specialty, or optimal dish that they make in order to impress. In Adria Marina's case, she has distinguished herself due to her creativity. Since she is now the owner of several businesses, however, she is no longer in the kitchen every day.

She said:

I like Asian notes a lot and rice that takes a long time to cook because I think they develop different flavors and are comforting.

Speaking about Baja Californian cuisine, she noted that she loves that it doesn't need to accept any rules, as long every bit the effect is a happy one.

She too advised entrepreneurs who are thinking almost opening their own restaurant:

Results are accomplished with endeavor. People shouldn't think "I'1000 going to open a restaurant and it is just going to work out by itself". You have to make an try and lead past instance and inspire others.

It should be noted that Chef Adria Marina has three businesses in Tijuana which are: Don Ramen (Blvd. Agua Caliente), Georgina Restaurante (Zona Río), and Azarosa Café (Telefónica Gastro Park).

Picket the complete interview right here:


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